Request for Public Meeting on Septic Issues and Proposed New and Expanded Parking Lots

Friends of Mount Sunapee

Friends of Mount Sunapee(FOMS) writes to inform you of the latest developments regarding the Newbury Conservation Commission(NCC) efforts to have a public meeting with the Mount Sunapee Advisory Commission. After getting no response from the State from previous requests for a meeting the NCC then went to the Select boards of all of the towns surrounding Mount Sunapee State Park. All town boards signed on to a petition authored by the NCC to have a public meeting. FOMS  strongly supports this effort. Please see the attached letter below from the NCC detailing their concerns. In addition to the select boards of Newbury, New London, Sunapee, and Goshen, the Lake Sunapee Protective Association, NH Sierra Club, and Newbury/New London State representative Karen Ebel have also signed the petition endorsing the NCC request for a meeting.

NCC has documented leakage from the sewage holding ponds into Beck Brook which flows into Lake Sunapee. Data from NH DES monitoring also shows alarming levels of e coli  in Beck Brook. There is concern about other toxins such as cyanobacteria and high phosphorous levels. The town of Sunapee NH uses Lake Sunapee as a drinking water source and there is no protection against cyanobacteria.

As of this date the State has not responded to NCC’s request for a meeting.

FOMS urges you to write to the commissioner of Natural and Cultural Resources to demand a meeting with the Mount Sunapee Advisory Commission.

Sarah L. Stewart, Commissioner


172 Pembroke Road
Concord, NH 03302-1856
Phone: 603-271-2411

FOMS will make sure to keep you informed of any new developments.