This page provides links to the FOMS media library of maps and charts of Mount Sunapee State Park: the ski area lease area, development plans, and Natural Heritage Bureau studies. Please contact us to add or edit content to this page.
Mount Sunapee State Park ski area lease area, revised December 2014
Mount Sunapee State Park ski area lease area (1998) – see page 17 of the lease agreement (pdf 1 MB)
NH Parks
Mount Sunapee State Park Hiking Trails Map (2015)
Maps prepared by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests:
June 2015
MSSP Proposed Expansion_Mitigation Parcels 2015June
February 2015
SPNHF Maps (6) MSSP_ENCS 2015 (PDF 1 MB)
January 2015
Addendum prepared by the Natural HeritageBureau: mage 1, Location of exemplary natural community system in Mount Sunapee State Park (see page 4).
There are three natural communities within the exemplary northern hardwood –conifer forest system(Image 1) on Mt. Sunapee State Park: (1) high-elevation spruce -fir forest; (2) sugar maple -beech -yellow birch forest; (3) northern hardwood -spruce -fir forest;
Three Maps prepared by Mount Sunapee Resort: These pages are in the Revised Master Development Plan 2016-2020, December 1, 2015
Pages and maps from Mt-Sunapee_2016-2020_RMDP (pdf 3 MB)
June 2009
Map from Okemo/Mount Sunapee Resort Master Development Plan 2009-2014, June 2009, showing “existing conditions.”
Existing Condition from MSR MDP 2009-2014_June 2009 (pdf 2 MB)
June 2004
Map from Okemo/Mount Sunapee Resort Master Development Plan 2004-2009, June 2004, showing “existing conditions.”
Existing Conditions from MSR MDP 2004-2009 June 2004 (pdf 1.1 MB)
Upgrading Plan Map, Page 41 from Okemo MSR Master Development Plan 2004 (pdf 1.4 MB)
[box type=”note”]NOTE: In March 2016, Commissioner Jeffrey Rose (Department of Resources and Economic Development) approved the revised master plan with conditions. In April 2016, the New Hampshire Executive Council approved amendments to the ski area lease, which enables West Bowl expansion.[/box]