Goshen, New Hampshire
- Master Plan 2013 (pdf 3.2 MB)
- Land Use Map, Goshen, prepared by Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission UVLSRPC, 2010 (pdf)
- Natural Resources Map, Goshen, UVLSRPC, 2010 (pdf)
Gunnison Lake – Williamson Park, Goshen
- Information and Map: Gunnison Lake, Goshen (NH Fish and Game)
- Goshen Ocean, or Gunnison Lake, a hidden gem with many fans (New Hampshire.com, August 2, 2014) (pdf)
FOMS articles
- Conservation and preservation: LCHIP grants in the Mt. Sunapee area
- 2015 NH Wildlife Action Plan provides new data and maps
One of our region’s signature landscapes: Mount Sunapee and the highlands from Gunnison Lake, Goshen, NH.